Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Fahamkan dahulu cara kerja Network Marketing

Step #1 - MEMBER
Of course kena daftar jadi member atau ahli (membership). 
Tujuan daftar ahli/member supaya anda diiktiraf oleh system. To be in the system. So that you can get all the benefits. Nowaday, everything is using the referral consepts. 

No such a free marketing. Example, if u eat Nasi Kerabu at one place. Then u are satisfied, taste nya sedap and so on. So, would you mind to tell people or recommend to sombody if they ask for a place where to look for nasi kerabu? of course we dont mind telling them right !! This is a habit or us. 

This is the nature we behave. Do you know that, by telling them like that). We are actually helping them in marketing their product. This is We call it as Free Marketing !!  ok-ok. back to membership thing pulak.. By registering of membership. The sytem will recognise us every time we buy their product using the ID that given by them.

Using that ID, we can enjoy certain discount or certain promotion. Or everytime we repeat sales, they give certain. poin to accumulate dan poin ni dikumpul-kumpulkan untuk diberi pulangan wang kembali. ini yang dikatakan Cashback.

Setela kita guna produk-produk mereka, sudah pasti ada yang kita suka. Lalu kita share with our friends, share the advantage of the products. You can share trough the Makcik Bawang group tepi tingkap, or gruop family, just share bukan nak jual pun. If anybody interested to use the product, ask the to join the member. Share about the product only, good testimony or good feedback.

Jika anda tengok ada yang berminat untuk buat bisnes, then is the time for you to share the bussiness oppurtunity - peluang perniagaan. Cerita kelebihan serta plan bagaimana untuk jana duit $$$$$. 

Step #3 - MENDUPLIKASI - Tunjuk Ajar.
Apabila ada yang dah jadi ahli bersama anda. kita kena bimbing mereka konsep yang betul. Duplicate ke arah mendaftare member dan berkongsi produk dan peluang bisness.. Share..share..
Posy ini pun boleh di share juga.. klik share button kat bawah tu..

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30 Tahun Pengalaman Jatuh Bangun MLM

Selepas graduate 1991 dalam jurusan Engineering dari UTM (Communication). Bekerja sekejap di Kilang Semiconductor kemudian join Motorolla ...